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Municipal Court

Municipal Court


Located inside the Municipal Building:
118 East Richmond Street
Giddings, Texas 78942

Phone: (979) 540-2707

Open: Monday- Friday: 
8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Appointments Monday – Thursday at 9:00am

Robert Lee- Presiding Judge 
Patricia Adcock- Assistant Judge
Rachel Grube- Court Clerk

If you have been charged with an offense which is within the jurisdiction of the City of Giddings Municipal Court, you must make an appearance in person or by mail within 12 days after the date on your citation.

A telephone call does not constitute an appearance and will not prevent issuance of a warrant.

You need to call to set up an appointment, if you wish to appear in person, or if you wish to provide extenuating circumstances for the judge to consider when setting your fine, arraignments are held Monday thru Thursday at 9:00 a.m. at the City of Giddings Municipal Court, 118 E. Richmond Street. If you wish to take care of your citation by mail, please use the REPLY FORM given to you by the Police Officer or please download a copy of the reply form at the bottom of the page.  

Police officers cannot answer questions about fine amounts or court procedures. Do not call the Police Department — this matter is now under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Court.

A Plea of GUILTY means that you admit that the act is prohibited by law, that you committed the act charged, and that you have no legal defense for your act. You should understand the following:  You are innocent until proven guilty.

Your plea of guilty may be used against you later in a civil suit. (e.g., if there was a traffic accident another party can say you were at fault or responsible for the accident because  you pled guilty to the traffic charge.)

 A Plea of NO CONTEST means that you do not contest the charge against you. You will almost certainly be found guilty, unless you are eligible and successfully complete a driving safety course and/or deferred disposition. Also, a plea of no contest cannot be used against you in a subsequent civil suit for damages.

If you plead guilty or nolo contendere (no contest), you must include a waiver of a jury trial. The full fine may be paid by mail or in person by cashier’s check, money order or credit card. (See Forms Below)

A Plea of NOT GUILTY means that you deny guilt or that you have a defense in your case, and the State must prove the charges against you. If you plead not guilty, you will need to decide whether to hire an attorney, or represent yourself.

If you plead NOT GUILTY, the court will schedule a Pre-trial. Pre-trials are held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8:00 a.m.  The court will send you a notice setting the date of your Pre-trial.  (See Forms Below)

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